/ Emergence / Series

“When I say artist I mean the one who is building things – some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen.”
— Jackson Pollack

/ Emergence / is a series of paintings that explore the elastic elements of change, metamorphosis and emergence—how the human experience is constantly forming and reforming. The series is intended to conjure the fluid, and sometimes uncertain, feelings of an evolution from one thing or state of being, to something completely new and different. It is intended to spark the questions and awareness of what a radical transformation entails. And to honor the struggle. Similar to how the caterpillar one day ceases eating, hangs upside down from a leaf or branch, and spins itself a safe, silky cocoon, molts into a shiny chrysalis. There, from its protective and private casing, the caterpillar drastically transforms its body, eventually emerging as a winged being of flight.

Subtle human forms and interactions captured in seen and unseen environments are painted within textured mixed media (oil paint, oil pigment mixed with cold wax techniques, graphite stick, oil pastel). Rich layers of paint applied with brush, palette knife and large flat edges are intended to reveal, conceal and expose symbolic, metaphoric and abstract imagery—inviting the viewer into a closer examination of image, color, texture and movement.

What emerges is an expression of our ever-evolving human journey of self discovery through our physical and non-physical surroundings.

The / Emergence / body of work is intended to invite the viewer on their own journey of self-discovery and metamorphosis.


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